Monday, August 27, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's been a few very busy months with travel, friends, work, family, and normal life stuff.  I weighed in today and am officially 14 lbs down.  I feel much better and really haven't changed much aside from cutting out all gluten from my diet.  I won't be getting to 20 lbs by September 8 (my 30th) but I'll be going into my 30's a bit lighter and MUCH happy and healthier.  Cheers!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pro Ana

Today I watched an episode of Dr. Oz about the 'Pro Ana Movement'...which is a website (or series of) for girls who want to be anorexic and supports being anorexic.  My only thought during this sad tv show...was that I WISH I could hate myself enough to be anorexic!  All jokes aside...I spent some time in 7th and 8th grade on the verge of anorexia...I went a little over a year not eating much and feeling pretty awful about myself.  I don't recall what happened or when exactly it happened...but I suddenly woke up one day and just stopped giving a shit about what other people thought of me.  I currently weigh 153lbs at 5'3 and I honestly don't hate what I see in the mirror.  On a Dr's office chart, I'm considered overweight/close to obese (I'm actually 5'2 1/2)....but in the mirror...I just don't see it.  I'm (most of the time) pretty happy with myself.  That positive self attitude makes it more difficult to lose my opinion.

Do you think it's harder to lose weight if you have a positive self attitude?  Have you ever had an eating disorder? 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Confucious say Confusion is easy!

No sugar, no wheat, eat organic, no carbs, etc etc etc.  It can get SOOO hard to stick to a way of eating when there are different facts coming out every day about what you shouldn't eat!  I have tried all of it...and this is what I've come up with:

I will eat low carb and low sugar (which is ultimately low wheat) while following Weight Watchers (I've lost 15 lbs on WW let's try again, shall we?) and when I have lost the weight I hope to lose, I can slowly phase out processed foods.  It's SOOO hard to lose weight without pre-packaged meals!  I don't cook and who has the time to put together a big salad or new lunch every day?  I prefer to have a frozen meal and add a serving of veggies to it.  Quick, easy, and calorie controlled. I work out of my car and I'm on the go all lunch and snacks need to be easy.

Drinking is my vice.  I love to have a glass or two (or three) of wine at night.  I know I need to curb this or atleast drink less but it's SO hard!  I drank two glasses of wine per night when I lost on WW I feel like I can do it again.  I should note I was 24 or 25 when I lost weight the first time on WW....and it's just not as easy anymore.

What are your go-to snacks during the day?  Do you have a 'vice' that you just don't want to live without? 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Just a few quick tips

How about looking thru the lists below and thinking about what you could pack with you as you go through your day (think about using Tupperware, a thermos, a cooler, ziploc bags to make these work):
Quick and Easy Protein
  • Beef Lunchmeat (roast beef), 2 oz; (100 calories)
         --sandwich, or added to salad
  • Best Turkey Burgers, 1 serving; (111 calories)
         --sandwich; or as burger; look for frozen turkey burgers; read label
  • CARL BUDDIG, Smoked Sliced Turkey, light and dark meat, 1 package; (114 calories)
         --sandwich; or with crackers; added to salad
  • Chicken Breast, no skin, 3.5 oz; (108 calories)
         --with salad; with rice; chopped added to pasta sauce
  • Chicken-Vegetable Soup, 1 serving; (109 calories)
         --with crackers; or with toast
  • Chickpeas (garbanzo beans), 1/2 cup; (114 calories)
         --added to salad
  • Creamy Hummus , 1.5 serving; (93 calories)
         --as sandwich; with crackers; with salad
  • Egg Salad, 1 serving; (92 calories)
         --as sandwich; with crackers; with salad
  • Grilled Salmon Burgers , 1/2 serving; (108 calories)
         --as burger
  • Honey-Roasted Turkey Breast, 1 serving; (109 calories)
         --as sandwich; with crackers; added to salad
  • Hummus, 1/4 cup; (104 calories)
         --as sandwich; with crackers; added to salad
  • Minute Omelet , 1 serving;; (103 calories)
         --with toast
  • Peanut Butter, smooth style, 1 tbsp; (95calories)
         --as sandwich; with crackers
  • Pork Tenderloin, 2 oz; (98 calories)
         --added to salad
  • Shrimp, cooked, 4 oz; (112calories)
         --with crackers and cocktail sauce; added to salad
  • Split Pea Soup , 1 serving; (118 calories)
         --with crackers; or with toast
  • Tomato-Lentil Soup, 1 serving; (112 calories)
         --with crackers; or with toast
  • Tuna Salad, 1 serving; (96 calories)
         --as sandwich; with crackers; added to salad
  • Tuna, Canned in Water, 1/2 can; (96 calories)
         --with crackers; added to salad

Quick Foods List
·                          Instant soups - just add hot water
·                          Instant oatmeal - just add hot water
·                          Sandwiches (PB &J, turkey, chicken breast slices, roast beef, tuna, egg salad, veggie burger - avoid cheese and use light mayo or mustard)
·                          Hard-boiled eggs
·                          Baby carrots
·                          Hummus
·                          Energy bars, like TLC Granola or Kashi GoLean
·                          Apples
·                          Bananas
·                          Oranges
·                          Nuts, pack in a plastic baggie to limit portion
·                          Canned pineapple
·                          Canned peaches
·                          Low-fat cottage cheese
·                          Low-fat yogurt

6 months from now...I'll be 30.

Hi there!  I realized today that I will be turning 30 in 6 short months.  I also realized today that while I've enjoyed being a bit chubby in my 20's while drinking beer, eating hot wings, and not exercising, I'd really like to enter my 30's being about 20 lbs lighter.  This blog will track my progress, frustrations, and other things along the way.  I know a lot of people get so annoyed listening to others weight loss journeys...but I feel that putting this out there will help me remain accountable!  I have a lot of changes to make over the next 6 stay tuned!